Colossians 3:17

live intentionally.

Thursday, June 14, 2007

The Adventure begins...again.

In exactly one month I will be starting a new adventure. For the uninformed it involves moving clear across the country to a city just north of Los Angeles, California.

Some of you may be sitting there with shock, disbelief, bewilderment, or a big thought balloon with a giant question mark. Others of you are less than surprised, in fact, you were probably beginning to wonder when I would be going somewhere, or maybe even worrying because I still hadn’t come up with anything…until now. But, to relieve any or all of you from the big question…WHY?
Here is the answer:

Aside from the thrill of a road trip across the country, living 45 minutes from Malibu, great weather year round, and the accessibility of not only Yosemite but also the Grand Canyon, there is also the element of a boy. Yes, the one below. No, we are not engaged. No, I am NOT moving in with him. I will be living in the same town (hopefully) and sharing an apartment with 2 or 3 other girls (one being my sister).

So, for those of you who need to visit me…COME!!! For anyone who might be on the way…can we sleep on your floor??? No promises though…we are subject to whims.

The tentative schedule is:

July 14th – Holland, Michigan
July 15th – Somewhere South of Minneapolis, MN
July 16th – 17th – Mount Rushmore, The Badlands, and Amanda’s Friends
July 18th – 19th – Yellowstone National Park
July 20th – 22nd – somewhere between Yellowstone and Santa Clarita, California

I welcome all gas cards, care packages, gift cards, emails, phone calls, and any other expressions of love, admiration, affection and jealousy.

I especially covet your prayers for our trip, the transition, housing, and jobs.


On a totally different note:

If you are ever feeling REALLY good about yourself, or even just a little good, and you need to take it down a notch. I suggest spending a whole day trying on swimsuits. That is the number one way I know of to get a good dose of low self esteem.


Pictures from Travis' last visit.

At Debbie Rupe's house after a great game of bocci ball.

At Antietem Battlefield on the C & O Canal Bike Trip.

At the Altoona Curve Baseball Game.

A date at Jean Bonnet...the best artichoke spinach dip ever!

At Great Falls...the end of the bike trip.
(Good job on taking the picture Emma!)
Niagara Falls, Ontario, Canada!

Ohiopyle Falls, Pennsylvania

Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania

Some famous football stadium of some sort.


  • At 8:22 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said…

    you look sooooo pretty Katy! - Rushi :D


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