Colossians 3:17

live intentionally.

Wednesday, October 26, 2005

I am alive

I realize that most of the people that read this have probably already gotten my mass email informing you of my experience of the earth quake. So I will spare you the details. If you didn't get it, and would like to, just email me:o)


The evening of the earthquake we had a school-wide event. An India/Pakistan Night. It was loads of fun. There was dancing, henna, good food, games, and even a Bollywood movie to finish off the night.


The Guys Staff challenged the High Schools Boys to a Basketball game. I don't remember the score....but it was a lot to a little. You can guess who won.


Mid - Term Break started (and ended). I spent half the time with my relations. The other half I spent hanging out with people here at school....watching movies. And, we went in to the military hospital to visit the patients there.

I also got to hear a guy speak at the church on 1 Cor. 13. It was good, though very convicting. I'm not a fan of conviction.

Went to a Charity Rugby Match. That was fun. Though, I must say some people were quite silly playing when they were fasting....or with a hurt knee!


This weekend I hope to have the Jr. High Girls over for a sleep over, and then maybe take some of the kids rock climbing.


Sorry this is so random. My battery on my computer is about to die and I think I left the adapter for it in my room.


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