Young Love
I have grown up around people of the marrying age. Comes from being very involved with a camp that staffed college aged people. I am a wizard at figure out relationships long before anyone else picks up on them. I've analyzed marriages of all sorts. I've figured out different aspects of a marriage that I would like to have some day, and even some I'd rather not. I have caught myself at times planning my life around marriage [bad mistake]....and gotten caught up in superficial things like age and looks. If you are a married couple, beware...I am watching your every move. Three years ago I found myself giving a very dear friend of mine marriage advice. Why me? I'm not sure. But for some reason she chose me to look to for advice. Now, I find myself learning from her and her husband. They are a beautiful example of a what a young christian marriage should look like. They will be celebrating their 2nd wedding anniversary on Tuesday; but if you were to watch the way they interact with each other you would think they were still on their honeymoon. Yet, at the same time they have maturity in their marriage that I struggle to see in a couple married for 15+ years. They love each other unconditionally. They support each other in their decisions. They look out for each others wellbeing. They have a ministry to other people outside of their marriage. They are a model of what Christ said our relationship with Him should be. They know what is important and live it daily towards one another. They respect and cherish each other. They love and respect each other more today than they ever did before. They are always telling me that their marriage is much more amazing than they could have imagined it to be. And the most beautiful part of it all, they share it with me, they open their home to me, feed me, and love me. I love those two so dearly, and I know that if I someday model my marriage after those two even half the time that I will be doing ok.
Pip - Thank you for your friendship and love. Thank you for caring, and especially for sharing. Thank you for your honesty and openness. Thank for for all the memories, I cherish them all. I love you my dear sister.
Andrew - Thank you for loving my dear sister the way she deserves and needs to be loved; and for setting an example of what a Godly husband should be. Thank you for allowing me to be a part of your lives, and for sharing Pip:o) I love you dear brother.
At 1:28 PM, Anonymous said…
I agree wholeheartedly with you about the love that Pip and Andrew have for each other...and (of course!)for all of us! What a joy to know two people who can teach us so much about how our lives with our future spouses should be!
I Wanna come to my wedding? Oh wait...I think I'm missing day Katy; one day you will come to my wedding!
I miss you Katy!
At 7:47 PM, Christopher Spicer said…
I totally missed wishing Pip and Andrew a happy anniversary. I either never knew or continued my legacy of forgetfulness. I must agree that Pip and Andrew are two very amazing people. I really enjoy the many times I've been invited over to their house. It definitely is the house that love built. John Hubert Love was his name, I think.
At 6:21 PM, Anonymous said…
katy should write blogs more often :)
At 5:55 AM, jkw2583 said…
hey! remember me???? jen,,, from lodi , cali? peter gave me this site for you, so i thought id check it out and catch up on how your doin!
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