Colossians 3:17

live intentionally.

Sunday, January 28, 2007

snow tubing and cracked windows.

My day included:

*Skipping church.
*A horrible headache.
*2 excedrin migraine pills.
*Snowtubing with Jess and her Dad.
*Pizza at OIP.
*Discovering a crack from top to bottom in the front window at work.
*Spending half my afternoon trying to get someone to help me tape it up.
*Cleaned my room.
*And FINALLY...studying...what I was supposed to be doing ALL day!

Monday, January 22, 2007

Another sunset...

ME and the beach!

Watch out for those muscles!

Where'd my head go?

Did I mention I love the beach?
Molly stylin' some hot sunglasses OVER her glasses.

The sunset with my Aunt Debbie.

I heart the beach.

...and pizza.


Shannon Miller Monuement - Edmond, Oklahoma.

Lindsay's house in Follett, Texas - Population 411.
Directions: Turn right at white house, drive two blocks, turn left. House with round windows and big orange cat in yard.

Freezing to death at the KOA in Needles, California. The backpackers tent is not free standing and tent pegs don't work very well in sand and rock.

Somewhere in Southern California (I think).

Thursday, January 18, 2007

the holy spirit and conviction

yesterday on my way home from work, aside from being frustrated about situations i've been dealing with there, i was frustrated with my life in general. i have a huge school bill due in a week and no clue how i'm going to pay for it.

i arrived home to find a letter from a dear friend of mine who i have not seen in some time. enclosed with the letter was a check which she told me God told her to send me. while the money wasn't a huge amount, it wasn't small either. i was just a reminder to be that i have such little faith. i admit it. if it takes a mustard seed of faith to move mountains mine must be smaller than an atom.

God is good....nothing else need be said.

Sunday, January 07, 2007


Tomorrow after work I am heading to Pittsburgh to spend a lovely (unfortunately short) evening with my friend Jess. Early Tuesday morning I am flying to Chicago where I will be picked up by my friend Molly. From there we plan (subject to change at any moment) to head to Oklahoma City where we will spend the night with one of my friends from YWAM (Kristin). The following day I think we plan to meet up with one of Molly's friends from YWAM in the Texas panhandle, and from there slowly make our way to Santa Cruz, California. We hope to see Las Vegas, The Grand Canyon, Yosemite, and anything else that grabs our attention along the way. The hope is to reach Santa Cruz by Friday night. I will spend the weekend there helping Molly move into her new place, and Monday I fly back to Pittsburgh.


-for good weather
-for safety
-for molly's car
-for amazing times

Pictures will follow shortly after my return.

If anyone is anywhere near where I will be, or would want to meet me in any of the above mentioned places. Email me ASAP, and I will send you my cell number.
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