Colossians 3:17

live intentionally.

Monday, April 25, 2005


I'm sorry for those of you who are disappointed in my lack of postings since I have arrived here in Pakistan. No reason is good enough...except that I thought I would procrastinate and get to it over the long weekend. But, due to computer problems I was not able to check email while I was away and am just now getting around to that.

My time thus far has been good. Monday afternoon I had a meeting with the Director to talk about specific areas which I can best help out in. My schedule looks somewhat like this.

Mornings - Helping in the Elementary with Reading.
Afternoons - PE and for this last week Track Practice.
Afterschool - Class Team Building, Intiative Games or sports activities.
Weekends - Off Site Rock Climbing Trips, and several backpacking/camping trips.
Somewhere inbetween - Overseeing the construction of a small climbing wall in the gymn. And, 2-3 days a week covering for dorm parents on their day off.

Yeah, So my schedule will be pretty full these next 6 weeks.

I spent much of this past week trying (unsuccessfully) to get caught up on sleep. I was getting only 1-3 hours of sleep a night, until they gave me some sleeping pills to try and I was able to get 5 hours. Luckily I was able to get some good rest this weekend. During the days I helped out with coaching for the Track and Field, and getting to know the high school girls. The kids are all nice, fun, and outgoing. The Staff are all super nice, and there are a few that are keen to join in the outdoor activies and camping when we do them. We only have two school days this week as Monday was a holiday for them, and then Thursday I will be helping take the Elementary kids on a hike/picnic all day. Then Friday and Saturday is the Track and Field Competition.

Well, I have a Inbox full of emails to reply to before dinner.

Thank you all who have emailed and prayed. Continued prayers are much appreciated.


Friday, April 08, 2005

Those Friendly Reminders.

My windshield tells me summer is coming (for all the bugs splattered on it) and reminds me to enjoy the moment for once it is gone it is gone forever.

The semi-buldging vein in my right calf is a constant reminder not to cross my legs so much when I am sitting, and to enjoy 'youth' while I still can.

Those old pair of jeans I wore when I was 16 regrettfully say to me "you will never be this small again," and remind me not to be so vain.

The suit cases in my room that are now only half full remind me that no matter how much I think I am in control of my life, God has 'veto power.'

The number of emails in my inbox speaks of the blessing of friendships that God has given to me and reminds me to treasure them dearly.

The stain on my left sleeve of my t-shirt from my little sister tells me not to treasure 'things' but the people in my life.

Thank you all for being there for me, I love you all!

Tuesday, April 05, 2005

That would be Tuesday, not Wednesday.

Ok, so I guess I spoke a little hastily earlier. My travel agent who is working very hard to put a last minute ticket together for me was not able to get me out on Wednesday like we originally hoped. So the earliest she can get me out is Tuesday (the 12th). The good thing is, I don't have painfully long layovers on any of my trips, and due to lack of avaliability on some legs of the trip I get to fly Business Class...a first!

So, the offically booking of this flight goes through tomorrow morning.

On a totally different note. I played DDRMax2 for 2 hours today. What a workout!! I think if I do that for a good hour everyday (at high altitudes) I will be in decent shape.

an update

It seems my last two posts have left people terribly confused. I'll explain. We went to the airport on Friday when I was supposed to leave. We discovered that my ticket had been cancelled without my knowledge, and when we tried to buy a last minute ticket they wouldn't take our credit card. Only American Express. Yeah, I was more than a little upset. But we got to have a lovely evening at some old friends house, it was nice to see them.

The new plan:

I leave tomorrow (Lord Willing). All the rest of my travel plans are the same give or take a day.

Continue to pray.


Friday, April 01, 2005

The joke was on me...

Sometimes things go so smoothly. Sometimes they don't.
Sometimes I can really see God working in my life. Sometimes I cannot.
Sometimes I really just want to curl up in a ball and cry myself to sleep....

Today was one of those days.

Apparently the joke was on me.

I have not left yet. My ticket was cancelled (we found this out at the airport) and when we tired to book a flight from there they only accepted 'American Express.'

So, ..."For everything else there's Mastercard."....except for last minute tickets.

and..."Visa -- Its everywhere you wanna be." ...except at the JFK Airport.

I don't know if I got that quote right, but at this point. WHO CARES!


Another bump in the road...

This morning I called the Airlines to confirm my flight and there seems to be some sort of mix up with my booking. As a result I cannot leave for another 3 weeks!. As you can imgine I am completely at a loss of words...and well, very frustrated and discouraged. Please pray everything works out.

On a more humorous note. Last night when I was trying to take my vitamins to keep from catching any germs on the airplane my tongue cramped up. No Joking!! I have had my leg cramp, and my toe seems to cramp everytime I go swimming...but this was a new phenomenon [sp?]. Anyone else ever had that happen before??

(APRIL FOOLS to the stuff about the airlines, i leave in an hour!!!)

Another bump in the road...

So, I called the airport this morning to confirm my flight and something seems to have gone wrong. There was some sort of mix up in the booking and as a result I won't be able to leave for another 3 weeks!!! ARGH! needless to say...I honestly don't know what is going on here, and I'm completelty frustrated with it all. Be praying for me please!!

On a more humorous note - last night when I was trying to stock up on vitamins and went to take a pill my tongue cramped!! You know, just like when you leg cramps, or toe cramps. The worst is when your swimming and your toe cramps -- happens to me all the time. So, I took the pill off my tongue and waited about 5 minutes for my tongue to relax from its crippling grip. Hope I'm not the only one who has experienced this phenomenon [sp?].

(Aprils Fools!! --to the above post about the airlines!! I leave in an hour!!)
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